4/6/2014 Article Links


What’s green and stands on one leg? A phegmingo.


Security stuff:

Protect your source code before it’s too late (it’s 11 PM. Do you know where your source code is?)

How to build stronger password hashes? Hold a contest (B-47. Bingo!)

We need to move identity management to the cloud (what could go wrong?)

Safeguard your code: 17 security tips for developers (security by numbers)


Web development stuff:

Paralyzed by Choice in Front-end Development (whew! I thought I was the only one having these nightmares)

JSHint (a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript)

Spring-cleaning Unused CSS With Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli or Brunch (would you like to gulp some broccoli for brunch? Grunt once for “yes”)

Mozilla Webmaker Teaches You to Build Web Sites, Apps, and More


Browser Testing with Modern.IE (always a good idea to test your code before your users do)


Other stuff:

What’s new in Logstash and why you should care (oh, good, I’ve been looking for a place to stash my firewood…er, wait, never mind)

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